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Home School Coaching

Hands On! Hearts On!

Bring Learning Alive with Independent Centers 

I can teach you how! 

Weekly Independent Centers to extend Distance Learning. Call to Schedule a Free Consult 925-935-3236

​Weekly Independent Center Time!

Using the Four Blocks Method, You can set up four work centers that immediately put your child in control of their learning. Independent Centers that expand as they grow and learn.

A weekly reset of manipulatives and games, customized to your childs level, can be purchased and provided to your door step. 

Mortensen Math Manipulatives Base Ten Blocks allow for building and counting and experiencing Number Sense. 

Math card games to review understanding of fractions, decimals, percentages. 

Early Elements, Our Mission

 Early Elements is about utilizing the joy in learning as a basis for strengthening understanding and achieving academic success. 

 Strengths lead to illumination in areas that one may not have found impressive in the past.

 I am a K-6 Reading Specialist and Learning Styles Coach. 

  I can help identify strengths to address weakness. 

  I can coach parents on how to set up targeted language arts and math        centers for home school.

 I can set weekly curriculum centers for your family targeted at explicit needs. 

  Assessing strengths and leveraging them to bolster weakness will allow a    confident learner to emerge. 


 One on one tailored instruction, I will teach your child the tools to unlock     their full potential. 

  I will coach the family on how to set up 'a la carte' custom centers to target specific areas. 

I am a Learning Styles Coach: 

Reading Specialist, Math Teacher with 18+ years of experience working in classrooms, one on one, and coaching home school families. 

Call now for your Free Consult 925-935-3236 

"My son's reading skills improved exponentially thanks to her. Best of all, he had fun and is proud of what he learned!"

Karen Rezai

Foot Bridge Wellnes

"Amy intuitively understands kids individuality and has such a calm and fun way of interacting that brings out the best in them!"

Tracy Randolph

Tracy's Art and Drama Classes

"With her vast experience in education and teaching young children, Amy is able to figure out what will work for each individual child."

Justin Forelli Maycock

La Scuola Internazionale di San Francisco

Reading Specialist K-6

CA Credential Teacher,  Reading Recovery trained and 3 years teaching children at LindamoodBell Reading Clinic. I teach to your child's strengths. 

We have fun! Your child will make great gains in a 10 week period.

 Explicit instruction in the 9 areas that make reading enjoyable and informative. Call to make an appointment

 at your Local Library/Park/Home/Online  10am-6pm.

 Free Consult 925-935-3236

K-5 Math Foundation

Mortensen Math

All Math must start from concrete understanding. Number Sense.

Using manipulatives to understand basic concepts is an imperative before abstract formulas and symbols may be applied. This is the work of elementary school. Concrete understanding of units is taught using base ten blocks. Once these understandings are in place; the manipulatives may be used to illluminate algebraic equations and set the stage for higher order processing. 

Call to make an appointment at your Local Library/Park/Home/Online 



Study Skills

Assistive Technologies

 I will introduce the student to their strengths and utilize computer programs for study skills success. These include; note taking in class, note taking from text, graphic organizers to manage writing assignments, math bundles to enhance understanding of higher order math concepts. I use an Ipad in session and many of the programs I utilize are Apple Ipad only. 

Call to make a one on one appointment at your local library. 10am-6pm. 925-935-3236 After one takes Learning Styles Assessment, they may then attend our Assistive Technologies workshops.

Learning Styles Assessment

A formal one on one learning styles and temperament assessment

reports is a wonderful gift to honor the transition from elementary 

school to middle school or to focus an incoming high school freshmen. The Learning Style Assessment takes into account the child's family preferences. The aha moments this assessment brings may  lead to a happier home life with your teens! One on One and also available as a workshop. Call to schedule an appointment or invite your group to a custom workshop. 925-935-3236



I also offer a workshop for incoming Middle Schoolers to help them start their self-inventory process of understanding their gifts and utilizing their Learning Styles to use the academic process ahead of them to maximize their best life! I call it "The Element"! 


Assistive Technologies/Study Skills workshop, after learning styles assessment, I coach students on how to maximize their gifts to reach their potential. Utilizing Ipad technology to set up a custom way to study. Ideal for Middle Schoolers. Great for groups. 

"Amy is an exceptional educator: patient, enthusiastic, and dedicated. She strikes the perfect balance between acknowledging and accommodating my daughter's reading difficulties and encouraging her to push beyond her comfort zone."

Brenda Hansen

Research Scientist

"Amy is a wonderful teacher for kids who are creative thinkers and have different learning styles. Amy is one of a kind. Withe her patience, sense of humor, creative ways, and deep expertise, she can help kids feel good about learning again!"

Louise Hansell

Flourish Group

Transformational Facilitation

"Amy is a miracle worker! Within weeks of working with Amy, my dyslexic son went from barely being able to sound out basic CVC words and having utterly no confidence in his ability to learn to read, to being willing to try at basic readers. His speed and accuracy have improved beyond my wildest dreams, and he now feels confident about his ability to learn to read"

Dana Goldstein

Reading Specialist

One on One Reading Specialist

K-6. 12  Weeks will see your child tune up their skills for reading success. Meet weekly at your Local Library/Park/Online

Connect 925-935-3236

Call for a Free Consult. 

Mortensen Math

One on One in person, or small group in person or via Zoom/Skype. Hands-on, K-5 Foundation; Numbers Sense - Algebra. Meet weekly or set up a daily session for a week via Zoom/Skype! 925-935-3236 Call for a Free Consult.

Learning Styles Assessment

Discover preferences, feed strengths, overcome challenges! 

A formal one on one learning styles and temperament assessment

reports is a wonderful gift to honor the transition from elementary

school to middle school or to focus an incoming high school freshmen.  Call 925-935-3235 to schedule an appointment. 

Assistive Technologies

Custom study skills plan based on Learning Style. These include; note taking in class, note taking from text, graphic organizers to manage writing assignments, math bundles to enhance understanding of higher order math concepts. Must take Learning Assessment as a pre-requisite. Call to for a Free Consult. 925-935-3236

Head, Hands & Heart

Head, Hands and Heart

Outdoor Group Classes 

include;  Geocache: Art and Outdoor Adventure. 

Stitches and Sunshine; a

Math 'salon' posing as a knitting/crochet circle

Herbal Dyeing; learn how to dye natural fabrics/yarn with your weeds! 

Kepler's Cosmos- Hands on Geometry and Astronomy. 

See Group Classes


My Kind ofFun

Workshop for Middle schoolers! 

'Define Learning Styles; Dream of your Fantastic Life Ahead'.

Great way to focus an academic plan or brainstorm internship/mentoring opportunities. Rite of Passage! Meeting June 17th in Walnut Creek! See The Element

Amy Morton Brain

Early Elements 

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